ORT, den 18.Mai.2024
Muster GmbH
Mustergasse 2
12345 Musterhausen
Maria Mustermann
Musterstrasse 1
32100 Musterstadt

Dear Mr./Ms. XY (Notfalls Dear Sirs),

Resignation as (Jobposition ) at (Unternehmen)

Please accept this letter as notice of my resignation as (Jobposition ) at (Unternehmen ).

Although this has been a very difficult decision to make as I have been very happy throughout my employment with (Unternehmen), I have been offered an opportunity that I believe will help me with my long-term career goals. I do hope that you will understand my reasons for moving on.

As detailed within my contract of employment, I hereby give the required (Kündigungsfrist) notice, with the last day of employment being on 17.01.2011 (letzter Arbeitstag). If there are any tasks in particular you would like me to focus on during my notice period, please let me know as I am dedicated to my role within (Unternehmen) until I leave.

I would like to thank you for all the support and opportunities you have given me during my (Dauer Arbeitsverhältnis) here. I have enjoyed being a part of the team. I owe you a great deal and wish you all the best in future endeavors.

I hope that I can rely on you for a positive reference in future.

Kindest regards

Maria Mustermann